Selamat Siang semua.
Happy Belated Birthday Encik Ariffin.
Yesterday was my dad's birthday. Tak sempat pon dia celebrate his 60th birthday. Tak sempat pon tengok dia happy dapat hadiah yang aku bagi.
Well, I dun have any gifts for him, technically, but I gave him my love and Yaasin and Quran verses for him. I hope it is enough for him, enough to make him smile, enough to make his place up there nice and warm, enough to make him pleased.
Someday, I will be there too dad. And the first thing I wanted to do there is meet you. We can talk all day and you can show me your favourite mamak stall there. We can always go fishing there.
I really missed you dad. I know I havent told you that "I Love You" for a very long time but only God knows how much I love you dad.

Thanks dad, thanks for everything. You thought me life and you thought me love. Lots of love from me and I love you so much.