Jun 24, 2007

.101st entry and still going strong

Selamat Siang semua.

Happy Belated Birthday Encik Ariffin.

Yesterday was my dad's birthday. Tak sempat pon dia celebrate his 60th birthday. Tak sempat pon tengok dia happy dapat hadiah yang aku bagi.

Well, I dun have any gifts for him, technically, but I gave him my love and Yaasin and Quran verses for him. I hope it is enough for him, enough to make him smile, enough to make his place up there nice and warm, enough to make him pleased.

Someday, I will be there too dad. And the first thing I wanted to do there is meet you. We can talk all day and you can show me your favourite mamak stall there. We can always go fishing there.
I really missed you dad. I know I havent told you that "I Love You" for a very long time but only God knows how much I love you dad.

Thanks dad, thanks for everything. You thought me life and you thought me love. Lots of love from me and I love you so much.


Jun 22, 2007

.saya shihat!

selamat siang semua.

kebelakangan ini, saya rasa sangat sihat! kenapa??
Sebab saya rajin men-joging-kan diri pada waktu pagi. Mulanya bukan untuk menyihatkan badan, tapi meng-usha gadis yang ikut sama jog.hehe...mereka sangat santek!

Tetapi atas paras rupa yang sangat "bagus", saya dapat. Kini saya joging untuk menyihatkan badan saja.. Smoke consumption dah berjaya dikurangkan..ngee :D terima kasih pada semua.

Esok saya akan joging lagi. Diharap semua berjalan lancar.

Sampai jumpa lagi ya!

Jun 18, 2007


Selamat Siang semua.

Semalam saya pulang dari Pulau Pangkor. A Fantastic trip, even though ckit mmbr2 yg pegi.
Saya berasa bangga mempunyai kawan seperti mereka. Walaupun dah 2 tahun berpisah, kitorg still lg in contact n mantain as friends.

Perjalanan kami, memang destinasi bajet. Save at all cost, but its a great trip.

Saya berlomo gaga di sana dan itu hasilnya. Nk tgk lg tgk la kt lomohomes shaye.

Jun 14, 2007

.jolly good fellow

Selamat siang semua.

Esok saya akan ke Pulau Pangkor bersama rakan-rakan sekolah dulu. Organizing this trip sux! Semua berjanji Melayu bertukar bangsa dengan memberi jawapan mahu pergi tetapi meng-cancel-kan penyertaan last minute.
Mereka sangat tahi. Dari 29 orang yang mahu pergi menjadi 6 orang saja.. Mereka tahi kuasa dua.

Guess I won't think about this anymore. What I want to do just enjoying my trip there. Saya keluarkan duit tadi dan membeli kodak untuk MELOMO.Yay!

Sudah hampir setahun tidak meng-snap lomo. Fisheye dan Colorsplash akan dibawa bersama.

Jun 7, 2007

.age of a woman

No offense, but this is kind of interesting..hehe

Between the ages of 15 - 20
A woman is like Sabah. She is half discovered, half wild.

Between the ages of 20 - 30
A woman is like Putrajaya, fully discovered and scientifically perfect.

Between the ages of 30 - 35
She is like Kelantan, very hot, wise and beautiful.

Between the ages of 35 - 40
A woman is like Johore. She is half destroyed but still desirable.

Between the ages of 40 - 50
She is like Kuala Lumpur, old but still got hope.

Between the ages of 50 - 60
She is like Sarawak, very wide, very quiet but nobody goes there.

Between the ages of 60 - 70
A woman is like Malacca, with a glorious past but no future.