Feb 26, 2006


I recently read through an IPTA book ( which i havent completed reading it yet) and I just realized that now I came to a point of no return. The qualification for applying for Uni was quite arduous, complying of AT LEAST dystinction for elective subjects and AT LEAST A2 for English in order to qualify to pursue study in Engineering (yes, i'm engineering student, a stupid engineering student).

It was totally not like in those 90's where pursuing studies was like eating apiece of cake and study then wasn't that hard compared to this so called 3G age. BLEAGHHH!! I remember my father used to tell me that he once was offered an oversea Uni (If i'm not mistaken, at Leeds) where his grade was lower than me- no offence dad.

Now I am really sure that I'm not gonna be pursuing my studies considering my own thought of my SPM result-maybe back to the old darn warehouse, working till I drop dead, and probably smoking dope of frustration. Somehow, it's all up to my SPM results and that will show me wether I got the "light" or not.


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