Aug 27, 2009

.kartika oh kartika

Please lah, there is no need to make a big fuss about a girl whom caught drinking gets whipped, on all tv channel, almost everyday. Jelak tau tak.

Kartika, thats enough. Its not you are the SOLE ONE getting the whipped. There are lots of people getting the same punishment as you, but between you and them, they are much better. Is it because you desperately in dire of attention? Dasar model.

Getting whipped or not, if you doesnt repent, you'd still end up going to hell for that. Seronok dapat masuk tv eh?

People will start hating you for that. And we already did.

3 journeyed together:

syahidahariff said...

setuju weh..aku dah naik menyampah ngan minah tu..kalo betul2 nak taubat,buat taubat nasuha.tuhan dah cakap,if buat taubat nasuha and xulangkan kesalahan tu die akan ampun kan kan?

Lily Cartina said...

masok front page new york times.
tak tahan.
and kate canning it too harsh for caught drinking alcohol in public.
dah dalam IC tu tulis ISLAM.
dah dalam Al Quran kate HARAM.
yang bangang g minum tu nape?
there is no such thing as too harsh in this world.
nanti akhirat punye harsh baru tau.
kecoh sial.

siggplus said...

yeah i know rite..
if u want to drink and all, fine by me..aku tak kesah sebab tak ada kena mengena dengan aku..
sebab tu between u n GOD..

coverage melampau2 yg aku tak tahan gila babi tu..macam dia buat benda elok tapi disalah tafsir..