He/She 's been holding on since the day before. No sign of weakness or any health problem ever since the first milk I gave him/her.
Currently feeding him/her on 3-4 hour interval of milk or when she cries. Getting the syringe was hard enough. I had to scour every place in Shah Alam to buy the syringe. The clinic would not sell me the syringe, and after begging and promising I would not use it to abuse drugs, she finally sold it to me.
He/She likes my tummy so much. I think its because of the heat generated from my body. When he/she cries for his/her mom, I immediately pick her up and place him/her on my tummy, and he/she stops crying. All of this makes me very sad, considering he/she really needs her mom everytime. I can't do that with the class and all.
I'm just hoping for the best that he/she would make it through the first week. I still cant figute out the sex of the baby yet because it looks the same.
If the sex is female, thinking of naming her Jeni Jr.
I miss Jeni. I miss how she would nibble on my hand when I pick her up. I miss how she woke up hearing her food bowl is filled up. I miss how she would make clicking sound when I pick her up, knowing that that sign means she felt safe in my hand.
5 journeyed together:
sedih nye syg...
nangis org baca ni..
3 hari before die mati..
die ggt2 tgn org..
n buat bunyi clicking tu..
mst die rindu org sgt ms tu..
sedih sgt..
mish her sooooo much..!
u memang berjaya menyebakkan i
<3 : tgn org pn dia gigit2 gak slalu..pantang sua,mesti nk gigit..
miss her too syg
ainee : :(
sedey nye jeni da mati.
carik jeni yg baru la weh.
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