May 22, 2010

.serius ni, jangan main-main

Selamat siang semua.

Buntu tak ada idea. Jadi aku share video di sini untuk tontonan kau. Dan bincangkan.

Pengkid lah ganas. Mesti main gari-gari rotan-rotan kan?

13 journeyed together:

Jard The Great said...

pengkid tetap berhati pompuan... kalau ade lelaki yg berjaya TAME pengkid.. mmg terbaik la.. ha ha ha

Huda Luna said...

u rela x i ngn pengkid?


Cik Bayu said...

jgn cpt menghukum..sama2 cari jalan penyelesaian..

deus X machina said...

kah kah kah

x-po said...

agak2, pengkid ni syok tak kt aku ek? wakaka

Ainee Cumi said...

pengkid kalau jadi perempuan ada yang cun weyh!

Alyssa Villamor said...

pengkid is just a label,
ppl like to label ppl..!
jgn slh kan mereka je,
pengkid tetap manusia yg ada perasaan n otak utk berfikir, ada sebab mereka mcm tu..
apa yg kte npk kt video ni pmpn yg berpakaian mcm laki, bukan pengkid..tu je..

Berd said...

wa kalau nak tengok yang hardcore carik pengkid je

lu ngan member-member gay yang lain memang jeles dengan pengkid kan?

Razman said...

aku teringat pesan cikgu ah chong dulu. lobang sama lobang, apa mau bikin?

Pojiepooh Abdullah said...

y should ppl always think about others?
pengkid, ntah etc, they r just like us, they r extraordinary..
dun blame, dun kutuk them..
if u feel it's not good, tegur baik²..
dun label ppl wit a lot of names, not good!
tp pengkid cute apa!

Anonymous said...

to mitch:
yes u are not lying to urself, but did ur parents EVER tell u what ISLAM is, really? u may talk about having freedom to do this and that. THAT is why God created religion in the first place. it is there to guide u thru life, to help u think of what is right and wrong. just becuz kau cukur kepala kau botak and u said u takde aurat? oh my God, help us. what is happening to our generation?

hell yeah it is between u and God. but org buat fatwa tu hanya nak suruh org macam kau ni tahu apa halal and haram. bodoh. islam dah ckp apa yg salah, kau still taknak ikut. sbb tu lah dorg ni wujud, bagi kau sedar skit apa yg kau buat tu salah.
and btw, pls dont talk about what u contribute to the community and then declare that u bkn golongan yg haram. Allah dah ckp JGN MENYERUPAI kaum wanita jika kau lelaki and vice versa! contributing to the community doesnt make u pious, people! it is just another way to escape from the reality, a reality which actually hurts.

to sigg: sorry bro, i need to let it out. i am OPINIONATED jgk, bkn sharifah amani sorg je.

FREEDOM y'all. fight for ur FREEDOM. (screw it!)

-an opinionated Girl

siggplus said...

anonymous / an opinionated girl

finally someone yang berani nak bersuara. kudos to u 4 commenting on this topic.

yes, i second everything u said, bcoz 4 me i think they should not be bold on these certain topic.

and what her perception on what aurah is definitely wrong. being bald doesnt mean the aurah should not be a cause for concern.

these people should've been educated more on Islam and how it works.

they should not make their on perception, just for the sake of their own.

islam emphasizes freedom, but not in this way whatsoever.

ini just opinion aku jugak, tapi entahlah, aku ni sapa nak berbicara pasal islam sangat bila diri aku sendiri pun tak sempurna imannya.

Unknown said...

Hurm.. Yeah. Video nih penah tengok kat 3R. hurm. Apa yang perempuan botak tuh cakap sangat tak boleh diterima. Bodoh. Tak ada agama tu. Kalu ada pun, Islam bukan lah agama dia. Memang Allah dah bagi tau, Haram. Apa yang nak dipertikaikan lagi?

Tapi, lain la if dia just boish. means just berpakaian persis lelaki yang baju longgar2, then pakai tudung ke hape ke..atleast tuh tutup aurat la gak.

Nih, lelaki zaman sekarang pon, bertindik la, berantai laa..semua tuh pun menyerupai perempuan. Tapi nak macam mana, FESYEN.

Dunia dah nak kiamat. Kita yang ada agama nih, banyak-banyakkan lah amalam untuk bekalan di akhirat nanti :)

P/s: Fana dulu pon Tomboy/bolish! tapi bukan pengkid!